Continuum Campout Amber Gray and I are hosting a Continuum Campout in West Texas, January 2-9th, 2016. We are inspired to invite community & find a new way to bring Continuum Movement and our own work to the region between Santa Fe and San Antonio, (along the Camino Real). No charge unless we have to rent a movement room. Contact one of us if you are interested. If you don't know my colleague Amber, she works internationally with victims of abuse and torture.
Body Wisdom Practice Group beginning February 1st Noon - 2 at the Quaker Meetinghouse, 7052 E. Vandiver, San Antonio, Texas. This session will meet for 12 weeks, and explore the material from the two January retreats. $10 suggested donation to Friends Meeting Childrens' Garden.
Dark Retreat- 2 places left January 21st-25th. Contact Beverly Bajema for registration and content information. $475. Some partial scholarships are available
Conscienceless Query- Ran for a year and we are complete with that at this time.
Private Session by phone or in person $90. No charge for an initial consultation.