Living Water Spirits Cloths
I am a mixed media artist using Living Water, water collected from a living source- like a spring, a creek, or the ocean.., Under divine timing I feel a happy pressure that comes in from Spirit and I know it is time to make a Spirit Cloth. I drop into resonance, listening and being quiet, so I can discern what needs to happen. Over the course of days, I gather black walnut hulls on my farm, and attune to the Living Water of place and make a dye bath. Through movement and song, prayer and play, I work with the forces coming in and invite participation. Placing a word, phrase or name on the vat the imaginal helps guide the folding of the cloth. Then the piece is submerged, baptized, in the vat until it’s fully gestated. Ideally, opening the piece happens in the water and is a birth process. We witness what shows up and move and celebrate with tenderness and a soft continuum body.
“Water everywhere, [in you, me, the river and out between the stars] is one connected organ of intelligence.” Theodor Schwenk, Sensitive Chaos
This cloth was featured on the cover of Contact Quarterly, winter/spring 2015
Amber Spirit Cloth 2013
Black walnut on cotton
NFS/Private Collection
Warrior Cloth Peace Council Spirit Cloth
45"x 144"
Black Walnut on Silk/Cotton
Price: NFS
$350 signed prints available on silky faille, cotton or chiffon