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Dream Technology

Indigenous Applications

"I agree to use any tool; idea; medicine; animal; plant; person; energy; invention; object; device; or technology from any culture (past, present or future) in my organism, imaginally, for the benefit of myself and all Beings."   I Agree:    Read More


DreamTech and their functions


DreamTech def. 1. Spirit manifest; 2. A form of Imaginal organic technology that work just as well as “real organs;” 3. A visual conversation taking place between the Imaginal Consciousness and the human, that changes the physiology of said human for the better; 4. Secret tech, living in secret compartments that exist in our bodies just for their own amusement. 5. Potent fields, held in readiness having the potential to spring into existence when their need and function is recognized and summoned; 6. A covenant forged with the Imaginal realm,engaging cell receptors in direct visual communication for the benefit of all life; 7. Formerly called Micro-organs;


Using Dream Tech

When an image comes in and shifts your physiology it becomes an App. They may be one time use app or like the auric force field*, I use it every time I step into my swimming pool. A couple years ago I realized I wasn’t using my swimming pool because I didn’t like the chlorine. As I was stepping in the water one day, I saw a one cell thick barrier between the chlorine and me. I swam and played and forgot about it. When I got out of the pool, I smelled my arm and there was no chlorine smell. My image worked! The Auric Force Field App was born!


Each one of us has a particular somatic vocabulary and our DreamTech apps will reflect the relationship we have to our bodies and how we perceive. I have one App that I use every time I have the thought “I shouldn’t have eaten X, it wasn’t organic…or that chip has X in it that I am allergic to…or it probably has additives that aren’t good for me to take in…By imagining a grid in my liver that physiologically goes back and forth and it takes out anything I am concerned about, anything that isn’t in my highest and best interest. This App is called the “Additive Subtractor.”


In the group field, we can use DreamTech to change our DNA, thus incrementally evolve. This is micro-adaptability.


Importance of making them visible


When DreamTech first shows up it always surprises me. Like the fish appearing, that I mentioned earlier. I don’t think them, they appear. This is different than efforting. Making symbolic or pictorial representations of them makes them real to me and the repeated use helps create the pathways in my organism that feed them power to work, heal, inform, help or enlighten. Once the DreamTech gets specific and it has a symbol, I call it an App.


Hooking up the neurology of the Visual to Kinesthetic through a variety of specific Cosmic Body exercises, creates the internal environment where the bio-intelligence can work with the imagination, to actively participate. This creates an opportunity for dialog with any part of oneself and bridges what was previously unconscious.


Recognizing DreamTech


When I’m in a dive (continuum exploration), I rest in what we call open attention. This is state of doing nothing but bringing attention to sensation after having done a round of sound or sound and movement (It is not within the scope of this writing to go into Continuum, see Life on Land by Emilie Conrad). In my open attention, I may feel a place in my internal landscape that is tight. I allow my hand and internal awareness of sensation to meet this place. Then I wait in the meeting. This is the hard part, because we typically do not value doing nothing and are usually trying to fix ourselves. In this meeting in the fertile waiting of non-doing allowing, I issue an invitation to the world imagination … for example there are times and places where I know I am in need of bioremediation. I know it needs help because I feel stagnation in the tissues and I see with my internal vision on the screen of my mind an image. I see a polluted area that I may be touching with my hands, I see barrels of sludge. Maybe it is a scene from someplace I have experienced or it is a picture or from a movie… it doesn’t matter. I meet the barrels somatically trying to lay in as much awareness of them as I can. What is the temperature, texture, emotion I am meeting? Can I meet them with “Impeccable regard” (loving kindness, interested curiosity and positive regard?)? After I meet them, often something will happen like I will feel a shift and that scene disperses on its own. Or in my imagination a bulldozer arrives and scoops them up and takes them off to the recycling center.


DreamTech Apps are unique to the individual. Here are a few of the ones I have found useful in my own body. You may borrow mine and make them your own, if you need a jump-start. You may also create your own versions of them. One of my students recently had one show up that was a broom sweeping down the inside of her blood vesicles. It worked for her because she has 1st order somatic experience of sweeping. I stopped counting my Apps at #166.


  • Red Koi – I appear surprising those whom need my help to eat phlegm from the lungs and other membranes. I nest in secret among the liquid crystalline of the connective tissues. I demand complete authenticity to work and am often already full, so only call me when the need is dire. I can morph into other larger creatures like the manta ray, when I am working.


  • Third hand – An invisible imaginary hand that can reach vast distances to do something. Discovered when I was doing a dive in LA and needed some baking soda from my cabinet in San Antonio. Reaching out and getting it for myself then imaginally sipping it in water, & poof my symptoms disappeared.


  • Captain of the Guard – he is in the reserve and usually only works weekends once a month. His regular job is The Foreman. Thought Capt. of the Guard can be recalled for duty at a moments notice. He has direct communication with the troops and is amazing and resourceful.


  • Grimpeothesis – A tiny octopus that does things on my internal landscape. She is my go to tech for almost everything. My relationship with her began in the Fall of 2007, before the first ever photograph of the “Dumbo Octopus” was published in Smithsonian Magazine. She emerged in a living water painting I did, and we have been buddies ever since. A couple weeks ago, Dec 2013, I came home from California with the flu. I got out of the house for a short walk and while I was walking I started a dialog with the flu that went something like this. Suzanne “So flu, Hi. Where are you from?” Flu “I’m from here.” Suzanne (I stopped in my tracks at this point) What! You mean I gave you to myself?” Flu- Yes. Suzanne. “Well, in that case, would you be willing to go back where you came from?” [In this moment I see Grimpeothesis and she is wearing a welding hat and holding a welding torch almost finished putting together a silver metal box. The flu went into the box and Grimpeothesis welded it shut and by the time I was done with my walk and went home to lay down in open attention, the flu was gone.


  • Auric Force Field/Shield – Fractal. Works the same way atmospheres around planets and membranes do, supporting and protecting us in our walking around world. It can be amped up if ask to super human levels. Anything not in my best interest that would create weakness in filtered out or rendered harmless. Ex. Pollution; chlorine; negative vibes. * Origin/source. I smelled a strong chlorine smell and ask my body not to absorb it into my skin. The image I got was a force field around my body one cell thick. Here is a picture of an art quilt I made from the experience.











  • Fear Moderator – I pick up minute threads of fear, tie the threads together with a high degree of calm and understanding; then I determine where the threads should reside energetically. Useful fear goes where it goes. Needless fear usually goes to the Spliver.


  • Additive Subtractor – This DreamTech lives in my liver and it is amany layeredgridlike structure that goes back and forth up and down. When I have the thought that I shouldn’t have eaten that ____ because it isn’t good for me because of X it takes the bad stuff out leaving only the good nutrients. It works so well that it can take all the effects of alcohol out of a beverage.


  • Inner Otter – Processing Channel. Pre-movement to integration. The Inner Otter is a companion who I invoke when I want to be in the present moment but I have the sense that their needs to be a lot of integration and I could spend days thinking about the past and then not be present to the moment. She wraps each thing carefully in astrocytes and places them exactly where they do the most good and have the most connections. We then play. She has no eyes to see, I am her eyes and she has not legs to run, so I am her legs. I am deeply conscious many times throughout the day that I am connected to her and feeding her images or sensation. When I go to bed at night I imagine her curled up in her den down in my mattress. We snuggle and she weaves in and out of my dreams and often brings me messages of play and connection.


  • Integration – The Inner Otter is a companion who I invoke when I want to be in the present moment but I have the sense that their needs to be a lot of integration and I could spend days thinking about the past and then not be present to the moment. She wraps each thing carefully in astrocytes and places them exactly where they do the most good and have the most connections. We then play. She has no eyes to see, I am her eyes and she has not legs to run, so I am her legs. I am deeply conscious many times throughout the day that I am connected to her and feeding her images or sensation. When I go to bed at night I imagine her curled up in her den down in my mattress. We snuggle and she weaves in and out of my dreams and often brings me messages of play and connection.


  • Cosmic Crowbar – opens doors. GRACE spirals in creating more room. To be completely committed to your own health. Ex. When you have a sense that something is really important to a friend or family member and you tell them about it, but they aren’t open to it, you ask the cosmic crow bar to handle it. Turning the situation over to CC, the next time the person (even yourself) softens around it the CC fills the gap and opens them so that what they need and what they are resisting has room to act.


  • Colander – It can swish through the body at any level and remove harmful microorganisms from the blood or other fluids. First I make myself really small and invite one of the troops, or the Captain of the Guard to use it. It can swish through the body at any level and remove harmful microorganisms from the blood or other fluids. Toss them in the dumpster afterwards.


  • Perspective shifter – A tool that allows me to change places with anything and see from there perspective. I make myself really small and look down on the room/situation from the top of the window. I am a cricket or a ladybird, experiencing from their body, the scene around me. Or I can ride a shape out experiencing the fractal at all the levels bringing in as much sensation as possible. I can also make myself really small and be a passenger on their back and experience it that way. I learned this from cricket in 1984.


  • Nose Hair sinus turbinate scrubbers – Remember me as the air coming into the nose first meets invisible scrubbers (just like on a smokestack but microscopic) located just inside the nostrils & throughout the turbinates. 1st line of defense at the energetic level. I increase buggers but pollen and pollution and germs do not gain access. The first order sensation I pull from is the feeling like a tampon inserted in the vagina.


  • Puddles of happiness all connected – Think of a time or moment when you were happy. Feel into it. Connect it with all the other moments of happiness. Dwell there.


  • Gravity Suckers – When Stanley Steamer cleaned my carpets they left little dense Styrofoam yellow blocks under the furniture. Once in a continuum dive, these blocks came to me in my imagination filling in all the places where I wasn’t resting down into gravity (backs of my knees, curve or my back and neck..,) They change my physiology by changing the electrical conductivity of my body and allow me to rest deeply into ground. Sometimes if I am feeling really defended in my pelvis (where I brace for impact when I don’t feel safe in the world) I put little suction cups on them so there is that little extra “umph” that gets me grounded.


  • Organ Reset – I’m in a continuum dive and while feeling into the health of my bladder found I could access the bladders of all 18 people in the room. The bladders were dancing in a circle around the room (like a choreographed performance piece) in my imagination. I noticed some were shriveled and some much worse than my bladder and some were extremely healthy and happy bladders, so my bladder danced up to and tapped into the healthiest one and after that I no longer leaked tiny amounts of pee. [I had been to a movie and needed to go to the bathroom, but the movie was too good to leave, so I held it and my bladder got really stretched out. To the point that I was peeing a little bit in my underwear between bathroom visits). Gross but true.


  • Knobs to amplify sensation or reduce (Sometimes we need to turn our sensation up or down depending on where we are with ourselves.)


I’ve shared this selection from my 166+ Apps to start you thinking about how useful it is to have a healthy relationship hooked up where you can collaborate with yourself at the deepest levels.

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